Our Leadership
Elders |
Bro. Anthony Feaster Sr.

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Brother Anthony Feaster came to San Diego in 1981. Anthony was introduced to the Church of Christ as a young child when he would stay the summer with his Aunt. He obeyed the Gospel in 1981 at 31st and National St Church of Christ.
He is an Elder at the Raven Street Church of Christ, where he also a Preacher, Teacher, Education Director and Financial Officer
Brother Feaster has been married to Sister Jacqueline Feaster for 30 years and has 3 boys, Anthony II, Andrew, Austin, all boys have obeyed the Gospel and are active members at their Church. |
Bro. Dennis Smith Sr.

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Bro. Dennis Smith Sr. obeyed the Gospel in 1974 at 31st and National St Church of Christ.
Brother Smith has been married to Sister Sharon Smith for 29 years and has 2 boys, Dennis Jr and Deron, both boys have obeyed the Gospel and are active members at their Church.
Minister |
Bro. Anthony Feaster Sr.

Email Bro. Feaster
Brother Anthony Feaster came to San Diego in 1981. Anthony was introduced to the Church of Christ as a young child when he would stay the summer with his Aunt. He obeyed the Gospel in 1981 at 31st and National St Church of Christ.
He is an Elder at the Raven Street Church of Christ, where he also a Preacher, Teacher, Education Director and Financial Officer
Brother Feaster has been married to Sister Jacqueline Feaster for 30 years and has 3 boys, Anthony II, Andrew, Austin, all boys have obeyed the Gospel and are active members at their Church. |
Minister Emertius |
Bro. John Leggett Email Bro. Leggett |
Bro. John Leggett obeyed the Gospel in May 1981 at the Church of Christ that meets at 1076 Myrtle Ave. in Long Beach, California, under the Leadership of Bro. Walter Boykin, Sr. He co-Ministered with Bro. L. Marshall Moultry for several years at the Long Beach congregation, and decided to relocate to Hattiesburg, Mississippi where he served as Minister at the Dewey Street congregation for almost four years. He has preached at several congregations in Southern California, Mississippi, Savannah Georgia, and Pensacola Florida. Bro. Leggett has served as Minister for the congregation at Raven Street for fourteen (14) of his thirty years in the Ministry. He loves and appreciates the members there. His prayer to God is that he will be with them in many ways until God calls him home.
He retired from the Armed Forces after twenty (20) years of services, which included four years United States Navy, one year in the United States Army, and fifteen (15) years in the United States Marine Corps.
He began his career in the Mortuary Profession where he served as an apprentice Mortician under the supervision of the late H. W. Ragsdale, Sr., at the Anderson Ragsdale Mortuary (San Diego, CA). He graduated from the "California College of Mortuary Science (Cerritos, CA). He served at several mortuaries in the Los Angeles and San Diego County Corner, being the first black Mortician to serve there. He opened and operated his own Mortuary in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California for twenty-two (22) years. He retired from the profession in 2007. |